Leirvík - Norðragøta

  • nor-rag-ta---leirv-k-barbara-l-arenda-6-jpeg
    Leirvík, photo: Barbara á Líðarenda
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    photo: Barbara á Líðarenda
  • nor-rag-ta---leirv-k-li-gar-shorn--118-img-0179-jpg
    The village Norðragøta. View from up on the top stairs just below the pass in 310m height. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • nor-rag-ta---leirv-k-li-gar-shorn-115-img-0170-jpg
    The view from just below the top stairs under the mountain Leirvíksfjall. Here we look south over Gøtuvík Bay, where we have Mjóvanes at the very end. The special thing about this village path is that there are so many stacked stairs and iron railings. A bit challenging... Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • nor-rag-ta---leirv-k-barbara-l-arenda-4-jpeg
    view of Syðrugøta, photo: Barbara á Líðarenda
  • kirkjan-no-rag-tu-kirstinvang-jpg
    Boat houses and church in the village of Norðragøta. Photo: @Kirstinvang
hike poster

Gongutúrurin upp um Leirvíksfjall er ein aldagamal og vakur túrur við útsýni norður í Djúpini, út á Gøtuvík ella suður í hav

Túrurin er rímiliga lættur og tekur umleið ein tíma. Varðar vísa vegin, og trappur og rimaverk eru sett upp við hamrarnar, har brattast er at ganga. Á seinasta teininum oman í Norðragøtu eru prestar við endurskini settir. 


Fleiri áhugaverd og søgulig støð eru á leiðini. Uppi yvir fótbóltsvøllinum í Leirvík er vælhildna torvhúsið hjá Petur Kristiani Jacobsen (í Gerðismørk), sum sigur søguna um knossið hjá forfedrunum, sum gingu her í gomlum døgum.


Longri uppi verður gingið fram við Moyggjarhellinum, har tað sigst, at ungar gentur fjaldu seg, tá ið sjórænarar herjaðu her um leiðir. 


Ein kikari er settur upp á Leirvíksfjalli – tætt við bygdagøtuna. Haðan ber til at njóta útsýnið norður í Djúpini, út á Gøtuvík ella suður í hav. Kikarin verður tikin niður um veturin, men væl ber til at ganga túrin alt árið, bara veðrið er til vildar. 


Gøtan kann verða gingin báðar vegir, so veðurforsøgn og flutningsmøguleikar kunnu avgera tað.  

Leirvík - Norðragøta
Norðragøta - Leirvík

Leirvík - Norðragøta

Public transport
Route 400 is driving to and from Norðragøta and Leirvík.

From there a free bus is driving between the villages. See timetables here, or contact Visit Eysturoy.

Arriving by car
Parking in Leirvík
Parking is available by the football pitch in Leirvík. From here, walk through the two gates above the football pitch by the small house called “Torvhúsið hjá Petur Kristian Jacobsen (í Gerðismørk),” an old peat hut. (see the photo)

  • parkering-leirv-k-jpg
    map of parking (green) and starting point (blue)
  • parkering-leirv-k-2-jpg-png
    starting point

Norðragøta - Leirvík

Public transport
Route 400 is driving to and from Norðragøta and Leirvík.

From there a free bus is driving between the villages. See timetables here, or contact Visit Eysturoy.

Arriving by car 
Parking in Norðagøta
There are several places to park in Norðragøta. The best option is to park in the village, either by the church or the fish processing plant.

By Blásastova, the village museum, you will find a poster that shows you where the village path starts. From here, walk up to the unpaved road that runs through cultivated fields, go through two gates, and from there posts will lead you thro.

  • map-nor-ag-ta-parkering-jpg
    See green line for parking and blue line for startingpoint
  • parkering-nor-rag-ta-2-jpg
    starting point - walking past Blásastova
Leirvík - Norðragøta
Norðragøta - Leirvík

Leirvík - Norðragøta

Norðragøta - Leirvík


path icon
1t 30m


path icon
2 km


hilltop peak icon
336 m

Hægsta stað

family icon
332 m


family icon Suited for kids above approx. 10 years
difficulty icon Difficult - The stretch up or down through the crags is short but steep and may be vertiginous to some. However, balustrades are in all areas where it is needed
terrain icon Grass-covered and good for walking throughout. However, it is steep in places with steep narrow staircases leading up through the crags
10 m/s
Veður forsøgn

Available guided tours