Saksun - Haldórsvík

The hike is beautiful. Walking from Haldórsvík you get beautiful views up through the gorge by the hillock Vesturyheyggjur
The hike between Saksun and Haldórsvík is beautiful, walking from Haldórsvík toward Saksun likely being the nicer direction as you get beautiful views up through the gorge by the hillock Vesturyheyggjur, and it is always lovely to walk down toward Saksun. Saksun is also a good place to end your hike by meandering down to the cove.
At times the path is not visible, making it paramount to follow the cairns. However, as you turn off the path that goes toward Tjørnuvík, there are no cairns the first 700 metres, making it difficult to know which direction to take. The right path is to go a bit up into the hills and so avoid ending up in the craggy area Gjótustíggjur.
Having entered the valley Skipádal, cairns lead you up to the pass Víkarskarð. Having crossed the pass, take a left, where you will immediately spot a cairn. From here, cairns lead you all the way down to Haldórsvík. The stretch from Víkarskarð down to Haldórsvík may seem to take quite a long time to walk.
If starting in Haldórsvík and having reached Víkarskarð, take a left and go about 100 metres southward before you follow the cairns through Skipádal.
Saksun - Haldórsvík
There is no public transport to Saksun.
In Saksun, there are big parking lots by the church. (see photo)
Haldórsvík - Saksun
Parking, Haldórsvík
There is plenty of parking in the parking lot above the church (see the photo)
Saksun - Haldórsvík
The route starts at the parking lot below Dúvugarðar, located on the north-easterly side of the great gorge in Saksun. Dúvugarðar is a several hundred years-old listed farmhouse, which now functions as a museum.Walk about 50 meters and turn right when you have crossed the bridge at Skipá and walk about 2-300 meters uphill through the infield along the river.
When you get into the outfield, climb the first hill - about 30 vertical meters, around the same height as the start of the waterfall. From here, you need to look diagonally upwards towards the northeast. On the hill in the horizon you see a cairn about one kilometer away. Use it as a landmark. During the first 200 meters, you walk in roughly the same height and then reach the path that leads up to the cairn.
Haldórsvík - Saksun