Sørvágur - Slættanes

  • 2020-06-13-s-rv-gur-sl-ttanes-105-img-0241-jpg
    View and cairn as signpost above Sørvágur. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-06-13-s-rv-gur-sl-ttanes-107-img-0243-jpg
    View from the Slattanes path north over the lake of Fjallavatn. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-06-13-s-rv-gur-sl-ttanes-111-img-0249-jpg
    View from a cairn over Fjallavatn. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-06-13-s-rv-gur-sl-ttanes-112-img-0250-jpg
    View from Áin á Fjøllum over Fjallavatn. Upwards through Mýrabotn, the cairns are low and can therefor be at bit difficult to see. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-06-13-s-rv-gur-sl-ttanes-113-img-0252-jpg
    Along the path there are some cosy places where you just enjoy the moment with a cup of coffe. This is when crossing th river of Áin á Fjøllum. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-06-13-s-rv-gur-sl-ttanes-117-img-0262-jpg
    The view up on Suðansbrekka at 420m, is breathtaking. This view is in the direction of Slættanes with the mountains north of Vestmanna in the background. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-06-13-s-rv-gur-sl-ttanes-118-img-0263-jpg
    The view north to the spectacular mountains north of Vestmanna. In the forground Úti í Haga and Fagridalur. In the background the mountain of Høvdin just vest of Saksun. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
  • 2020-06-13-s-rv-gur-sl-ttanes-122-img-0279-jpg
    Suddenly the village of Slættanes arrives. Once left but now a tempting place for a remote summerstay. Photo: Óli Gardshodn
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    Houses in Slættanes. Photo: Rannvá Joensen
hike poster

Úr Sørvági, eftir Slættanesgøtuni, gjøgnum víðu og vøkru náttúruna við Fjallavatn, norður til Slættanes

Túrurin byrjar við vatnbrunnarnar í Húsadali í Sørvági. Gingið verður eftir Slættanesgøtuni norður móti Fjallavatni, haðan farið verður um Tunguánna niðan í mjáa Mýrubotnin. Haðan  verður gingið norður um fjallaryggin beint norðan fyri Tungufelli og so gjøgnum Slættaneshagan norður til Slættanes. 


Tað er møguligt at ganga túrin úr báðum endum. Tað valdast eitt sindur, hvaðan komið verður, tí onki vegasamband er til Slættanes – uttan til gongu ella við báti.

Sørvágur - Slættanes
Slættanes - Sørvágur

Sørvágur - Slættanes

Public Transport
There is no road to Slættanes. 
Bus Route 300 is driving to and from Sørvágur.

Arriving by car
Parking, Sørvágur
You can park your car by the water reservoir that lies by the unpaved road near the river Kirkjuá – note the green lines. From here, follow the blue line for about 600 metres, to the infield gate, where the path starts. The first cairn is just outside the gate. 

  • s-rv-2-png
    See green line for parking and blue line for starting point
  • s-rv-png
    See green line for parking and blue line for starting point
  • s-rv-gur-sl-ttanes-starting-point-jpg
    Starting point - gate
  • s-rv-gur-sl-ttanes-starting-point-firs-cairn-jpg
    Starting point - first cairn

Slættanes - Sørvágur

There is no road to Slættanes.

Parkering, Slættanes: not possible

  • 2020-06-13-s-rv-gur-sl-ttanes-122-img-0279-jpg
    There is no road to Slættanes.
Sørvágur - Slættanes
Slættanes - Sørvágur

Sørvágur - Slættanes

Slættanes - Sørvágur


path icon
3t 30m


path icon
10 km


hilltop peak icon
422 m

Hægsta stað

family icon
421 m


family icon Suitable for children over 8 as young children may find the hike long. The hike up from Slættanes is somewhat strenuous
difficulty icon Medium -
terrain icon Grass-covered and good for walking throughout
9 m/s
Veður forsøgn

Available guided tours