Camping Vestmanna

Large camping area in Vestmanna

Vestmanna Camping is a newly established camping site in the village of Vestmanna.

Vestmanna Camping has all modern facilities and furthermore our guests have nearby acces to various tourist activities and some of the most beautiful sights on the Faroe Islands.

Price per tent: Adult 100 Dkk. - Child 50 Dkk.
Price per caravan: Adult: 100 Dkk. Child: 50 Dkk (12 years up to 17 years)

Open from 1st of May to 30th of August.

Room for 100 caravans and 20 tents.


79 Niðari Vegur



  • Koyristól atgongd

    Koyristól atgongd

  • WC
  • Kortgjald
  • Møguligt at bíleggja pláss
  • Parkering
  • Familjuvinarligt
  • Bólkar